“Don’t Move” is a 2024 American thriller directed by Adam Schindler and Brian Netto also staring Kelsey Asbille in the main character role along with Finn Wittrock.
Plot Overview:
The film revolves around the character, Iris, played by Kelsey Asbille, who is trying to find some peace in the woods after losing her son, when she is confronted by a cold-blooded assassin named Richard, husband of Mia who was trying to kill him. Later, Richard pours a syringe containing some paralytic drug into her mouth, claiming she has a small time to free herself from paralysis. The entire story revolves around how Iris tries to terrorize her oppressor before being paralyzed.
- Kelsey Asbille as Iris
- Finn Wittrock as Richard
- Moray Treadwell as Bill
- Daniel Francis as Dontrell
Critical Reception:
The performances deserve certain praise, which has allowed the bulk of the audience to enjoy it further. As such, the IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes ratings have been satisfactory, scoring at 5.4 out of 10 and 54% respectively. Reviews regarding the film have definitely shown a lot of aspects that the fans would have to be worked on in the later developments. In this respect, Roger Ebert cuts to the chase commenting on their critique by saying, “it is the typical example of having no substance throughout.”
Production Insights:
The director of this movie is A. Schindler and B. Netto who were previously known for their horror cinematographs in other works.
‘Don’t Move’ is a film about a man’s adaptation within a new culture after losing his complete family. The emotion behind not being able to save the individuals you love is taken to a completely different level by the creators and portrays it beautifully through a mesmerizing setup of the film.
The filming happened in Sofia, Bulgaria by using the different characteristics of the region to represent the forested area which was fundamental to the storyline.
“Don’t Move” has been available for viewing since October 25, 2024, after its debut on the streaming service Netflix.
Film Trailer:
In order to see images that could represent the kind of feeling the atmosphere of the film has, you may view the official perspective of the film in the trailer above:
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