Directed by Manny Rodriguez, “Jeff Dunham’s Scrooged-Up Holiday Special” is a stand-up comedy special which is set to be broadcast in 2024. In this show, the ventriloquist Jeff Dunham presents his own version of “A Christmas Carol” through the characters he brings to life, as he read the works of Charles Dickens. The role of Scrooge is performed by Walter while other significant roles are taken Bubba J, Peanut, Little Jeff and Achmed which creates chaos in a comical narration of the story.
On November 19, 2024, this special was released worldwide and has since been available on the Prime Video platform. We recommend residents in Delhi, India, to wait for it to be available on the Prime video platforms, provided they are region restricted.
Critical Reception
It proved successful as soon as it was released, most audience giving positive reviews regarding its presentation on what had originally been a holiday classic and jeff’s ability to banter and perform Dunham’s portrayal. Reviewers appreciated the way the characters seamlessly fused into the storyline of “A Christmas Carol” and provided a funny twist to the story.
Recommendations for Similar Content
For the audience that enjoyed watching “Jeff Dunham’s Scrooged-Up Holiday Special”, we recommend the following movies in the same genre:
- “Jeff Dunham’s Very Special Christmas Special” (2008) – interesting in the way it incorporates, once again, holidays with Jeffrey and his characters’ funny confrontations.
- “Gabriel Iglesias: Aloha Fluffy” (2013) – A stand up act by Gabriel Iglesias who is famous for his voice imitations and telling stores in a rather naive way.
- “Terry Fator: Live from Las Vegas” (2009): Articulated by ventriloquist Terry Fator, this production features several characters and music impersonations.
These specials combine comedy with performing their characters, which makes looking at them more interesting.