Off the Grid

Off the Grid is an action film directed by Johnny Martin and starring Josh Duhamel and Greg Kinnear in lead roles. The story revolves around a fascinating scientist who runs away instead of turning his invention into a lethal weapon.

Cast and Key Performances

  • Surely, one could cast a John Duhamel- MPEG star, known most recently for Transformers and Safe Haven. He is very energetic in this movie.
  • An Academy Award nominee, Greg Kinnear, best known for his poultry business in As Good as It Gets, looks handsome and enigmatic as part of the standup group.
  • Peter Stormare- He is one of the hardest of them all. He is Stored real but stormed in Fargo and also appeared in Prison Break.
  • As her first complete role in English, Maria Camargo will play the character of Josey.

Production Insights

This was shot during the summer in Clinton, Mississippi as the narrative required. The producers include Luca Matrundola, Richard Salvatore, David Lipper, Bobby Daly Jr. and Rick Moore.

Release Information

There has been a confirmed date for Off the Grid which is July 2025.

Recommendations for Similar Films

If the themes of abuse of science and the merit of progress do not sound too good for you, try other films listed below;

  • “Ex Machina” (2014) – an intelligent drama dealing with artificial intelligence and men in a new way.
  • “The Fugitive” (1993): The story of a man who is trying to exonerate himself while being hunted.
  • “Minority Report” (2002): It is set in the future and tackles the concepts of preventive justice.

Both movies have interesting plots that address the ethical issues in addition to the excitement that will be expected in “Off the Grid.”