
‘Remnant’ is an Australian horror-thriller film released in 2024 which is edited and directed by Mike Horan, with an appearance of Megan Bell featured as Grace Wheeler a lady suffering from extreme loss due to an accident. The movie discusses issues related to post traumatic stress, ghostly entities, and profound discoveries.


Grace Wheeler’s painful memories compel her to go back to the family farm so as to get a fresh beginning after a tragic accident. Having gone back to the house where she has her memories from, she slowly begins to unravel chilling mysteries that are associated with her childhood home: the sights of ghosts, the sounds of terrible dreams and a shadow of a person. The events turn into what would be seen as hallucination: and thus make Grace almost insane. Aggregated however by a sheer desire to know what is going on, she embarks on a quest that takes her to the rendezvous of her greatest fears and nightmares.

Cast and Key Performances

  • Megan Bell as Grace Wheeler: Among many of her impressive performances, Bell manages to depict Grace’s intrinsic problems and flaws as she deals with her haunting.
  • Shaun Foley as John Barnes: We notice a character that Foley plays who is important to the story and even further enhances Grace’s experience.
  • Nicole Pritchard as Anna Symes: Pritchard’s character does advance on the idea of the horror feeling which builds the tension in the movie even further.
  • Remi Webster as sophomore Bridges: Webster deepens the storyline and links Grace with her history.
  • Tsu Shan Chambers as Dr. Adriana Stone: Chambers’s understandings are more complex and show some aspects of Grace’s mind.

Aesthetic Style

Remnant’ creates tension with emotional horror film cinematography. Still, natural light and shadow are helpful in creating a spooky atmosphere, as is the remote location of the family farm. The film’s structure also allows the audience to slowly build up tension and be placed in the mind of Grace throughout the course of the film.

Critical Reception

“Remnant” was met with great success upon release for its story and acting performances. Critics noted that Bell could portray a multitude of emotions and praised Megan Bell for her role in playing Grace. The direction and cinematography of the movie also found mention for building up a spooky ambience. Some reviews noted that though the subject follows the routine storyline of a horror picture, the treatment and development of its characters are different for its time.


“Remnant” can be bought or rented through quite a number of options including Apple TV, Amazon Video, and Fandango At Home as of November 22, 2024. It can also be watched with ads in free on The Roku Channel.

Recommendations for Similar Films

For those who are looking to examine a triad of films on remnant themes of psychological horror and supernatural aspects, the following films need be watched if “Remnant” appeals:

  • “The Babadook” (2014): Australian horror movie that is based on the relationship between a mother and a son who finds them grieving while the supernatural finds them.
  • “Hereditary” (2018): A family trauma is unfolded in personal horror that deals with secrets that is passed on from one generation to another.
  • “The Others” (2001): A gothic horror where a mother who with her children lives in an isolated mansion experiences strange phenomenon.
  • “The Witch” (2015): A historical horror drama where within 17th century New England, a family falls victim to paranoia and superstition.

Such movies enhance the psychological premise and blend it with the elements of horror, ensuing an interesting experience.