
“Swag” is a black comedy thriller from Indian cinema directed by Hasith Goli in 2024 and produced by People Media Factory. The film stars Sree Vishnu and Ritu Varma in the major roles, while Meera Jasmine, Sunil, Daksha Nagarkar and Ravi Babu play supporting actors.


“Swag spans several generations but its main focus is the unending war between men and women. The story discusses the issues of matriarchy and patriarchy, where members of the family struggle against each other for a large family legacy.”


  • BhavabhutiSree Vishnu
  • Rukmini DeviRitu Varma
  • RevathiMeera Jasmine
  • VasudevaSunil
  • KaluvaDaksha Nagarkar
  • MaharishiRavi Babu


While critics have given the film mixed reviews, it can be said that things could have been worse. Sree Vishnu, Ritu Varma and Meera Jasmine have been noted for their superb performances by Sangeetha Devi Dundoo from ‘The Hindu’. As the film goes on, people begin to find it less frustrating as it goes on and this is what the critics do as well. Echoing this sentiment, 123telugu.com rated the film a middle fare 2.5 out of 5.


The horror black comedy Dave made some major cash, to review one more of the rotten tomatoes titled Swag. Released on October 4, 2024 ‘Swag’ went on to earn a total of ₹8.05 crores.


the film is available on Amazon Prime Video for streaming.

Cultural significance:

The film “Swag” is a tongue in cheek narrative of the gender scenario in the Indian social setup which uses ‘comedy’ and dramatic conflicts to ridicule the stereotypical roles assigned to men and women by society and what has been the change in looking at these roles across the ages.

For those who want to get a taste of the film before watching it, there’s the official trailer which is present below:

If, however, your interests lie in films based on such subjects, this is what you may want to see:

  • “Gundamma Katha” (1962): A film which is a purely Telugu film that focuses on families and depicts the relations among the sexes in the family setup.
  • “Fidaa” (2017): A period romantic drama based in the modern times where there exists a tussle between the conventional and the progressive thinking.