“The Remarkable Life of Ibelin” is a documentary film produced in Norway by Benjamin Ree. This documentary film focuses on the life of Norwegian Mats Steen, who suffered from Duchenne muscular dystrophy since birth and achieved great things through the internet game World of Warcraft.
With his condition, Mats Steen, chose the character of Ibelin Redmoore from the game as his new identity over the internet, the game World of Warcraft. Through this character, he established strong bonds and changed many lives, but was never known by his family. When he died at the young age of 25, his parents realized how many relationships their son actually fostered in cyberspace and began to put to rest Mats’ existence and the role of internet communities in his life.
Audience Response:
This type of documentary has won several fans due to how it depicts its digitally inclined subject matter with such poignancy. While reviewers have praised its originality in display of in-game properties with the help of animations as well as the portrayal of the concept of self and relationships through online media. It currently possesses a rating of 7 out ten at IMDb and has even been termed as “a moving online epitaph of an atypical but fully alive human being”.
Watch Online:
“The Remarkable Life of Ibelin” debuted at the Sundance Film Festival on January 19, 2024, and can be watched on Netflix.
Socio Cultural Implication:
The documentary highlights the fact that there are valuable connections made through virtual spaces which is often negated by the stereotype that video gaming is isolating.
It shows how important it is to comprehend and cherish digital identities of people, especially those who are physically challenged.
For some people to have an idea of what the documentary shows, the official trailer can be viewed below:
If these notions are worth exploring to you, we recommend the following:
- “Life 2.0” (2010): This documentary depicts how life in virtual worlds can dominate real existence.
- “Second Skin” (2008): This is a film about gamers’ stories, and gaming and its effect on them personally.