Absolution (2024) is a crime drama film where Liam Neeson’s character Thug is a gangster who begins his journey after prison cells. Thug is portrayed as someone trying to look for forgiveness by assembling the shatters left behind after leaving college and meeting his grandson for the first time as well. But he is betrayed by Iron’s emergence, the wrinkled criminal who leads Thug back to the world of violence.
Under the watchful lens of Hans Petter Moland, the plot of the movie develops with Thug physically appearing to step above his previous tormentors while volatile flashbacks constantly remind the audience of the life Thug lived prior. Other actors including Ron Perlman and Yolonda Ross have given enough to impression alongside their characters facilitating Perlman’s crime boss.
It develops drama with sounds a bit cliché, over and between the actions. Definitely, there were some great sentimental sights in the picture which is a bit rare moment, except such occasions, the movie indeed feels to some people like watching any of Neeson’s movies watching same but different places.
Despite a long wait, this film has recently gotten an approval and was released in November 2024 including action packed sequences where Neeson is still a part of the genre.