
“Transmitzvah” is an Argentine comedy directed by Daniel Burman which was made in the year 2024. In the film, Penélope Guerrero plays the role of Mumy Singer, an established Yiddish singer who comes back to Buenos Aires in order to face her family and her past in her childhood neighborhood.


Embracing her female characteristics, Rubén decides to abandon the customary Bar Mitzvah. After several years and due to personal reasons, she comes back in the name of Mumy Singer which is her stage name, to celebrate in her unique way.


  • Penélope Guerrero takes the role of Mumy Singer
  • Juan Minujín plays the character of Eduardo Singman
  • Alejandro Awada takes on the role of Aaron Singman
  • Alejandra Flechner portrays Miriam
  • Carla Quevedo plays the character of Sandra


Positive feedbacks were posted concerning the movie with a score of seven point six on ten received on IMDb. The film has received acclaim for its approach to self-discovery and complex family relationships which are crisis-driven. As for Rotten Tomatoes states, it is about our world, rather than restricting itself to certain communities or people.

Where to watch:

You can watch the film “Transmitzvah” on Netflix platform.


The film discusses issues such as gender structure and identity, tradition and personal change in more detail so that the country stories touch many different groups at the same time and can be understood.

In this case you may enjoy the following films:

  • “A Fantastic Woman” (2017): A story of a transgender woman from Chile and her struggle with the society.
  • “Transparent” (2014–2019): It is a series that portrays the circumstances of a family after the father comes out as transgender.