Benidorm: 10 Years on Holiday is a documentary that celebrates the British sitcom, Benidorm. The show focuses on British tourists along with hotel employees, at a comical “Solana Resort” that’s situated in Spain’s Benidorm. The show was first aired back in 2007, and since then it has been a favorite among many individuals around the world. This special episode compiles the most memorable moments, characters and many of the undisclosed unique events from the duration of the show, which was ten seasons. This documentary also features various cast members from the show, as well as fans. Even the creators of the show were interviewed, making this documentary truly remarkable.
In this installment, the documentary takes more of a historic narrative as it talks about the deep impact that the show has had on Great Britain as the show perfectly narrates the experience that the people of GB encountered on holidays. The documentary Is ‘one of a kind’ as it provides sneak peeks and chronicles from the show, instantly hooking the audience.Fans of the series are surely in for a treat.
Awards & Wins
While Benidorm the series has been celebrated as a fan favorite, this documentary serves more as a retrospective. The series itself won a National Television Award for Best Comedy in 2008 and was frequently nominated for British Comedy Awards, reflecting its widespread popularity.
Cast & Crew
- Creator: Derren Litten
- Cast Members Featured:
- Johnny Vegas (Geoff Maltby)
- Siobhan Finneran (Janice Garvey)
- Steve Pemberton (Mick Garvey)
- Sheila Reid (Madge Harvey)
- Jake Canuso (Mateo Castellanos)
- Sherrie Hewson (Joyce Temple-Savage)
The documentary includes interviews and appearances from key members of the original cast and crew.
IMDb Ratings
The series has maintained a steady IMDb rating of 7.5/10. This documentary received positive feedback for its nostalgic value, with fans appreciating the behind-the-scenes content and interviews.
Personal Insights
Benidorm: 10 Years on Holiday provides a clear explanation of what one of the series’ cultural exports was: its standing comedy about British holidaymakers and its blunt representation. It’s amusing to observe how much the cast enjoyed their roles and how well the fans of the series warmed to it. In its documentary form, the voice-over is somewhat near the borderline of nostalgia, allowing the most veteran viewers to enjoy some of the work for which a considerable amount of effort has gone into creating the core, defining characters and story details.
Cultural Significance
As a consequence, the situation mentioned above extends to the series as well as this documentary which makes an effort to present how the working class of British society experienced the customs and pleasures and the peculiar and wild world of package holidays. For its focused humor, it was widely regarded as a comedy icon attaching everyday banality to a mock and loving tribute of vacationing. Benidorm: 10 Years on Holiday is absolutely proof of the show’s popularity on British television and the great, inter-generational appeal that it has.
If you love the original series or simply want to see what British humor looks like, this documentary is a perfect backdrop to the past.