Kerasukan: Possession is predominantly a psychological horror static narrative that puts emphasis on themes of authority, toxic relations and possession. Created under Razka Robby Ertanto’s direction, the story focuses on Ratna’s unsettling narrative- being in a violent relationship with her husband Faris. When Faris tries to find out what Ratna is outraged about, he learns that Ratna has vanished without a trace. As Faris looks for her, Faris is startled to discover a series of paranormal sequences intertwined by all her movements, which was the trigger that something more sinister than an affair was at stake.
The story makes an attempt to show the emotional pain that Ratna is going through and how she eventually escapes to a place where she is controlled by forces outside her body. As Faris proceeds with the inquiries, he realizes that there is more than First Class Lies in the Curse, mysteries and occult horror, and much more, and that maybe Ratna was not weak but only suffering from a breakdown caused by her marriage in the first place.
The control and abuse aspects of many male characters in the film, along with the nature of tensions in their marriage, perfectly complement the strange atmosphere and paranormal elements of the film. The images of Ratna who torture and fight in her place as husband are in fact interpretable as defiant gestures even in such abusive conditions. The film also addresses idealised conditions of marriage in which women are expected to be obedient and submissive.
The film features Ratna, played by Carissa Perusset, and her spouse Faris, played by Darius Sinathrya. Other cast members include Sara Fajira, Nugie and some others as supporting actors.
Others include many great performers as well as Sarafina and Nugie in supporting roles.
Possession: Kerasukan dramatizes all that has been composed with a twisted story that is both horrific and timely, achieving more than mere shock value.
If you would like to read a comprehensive analysis of the movie and an interpretation of its conclusion and key themes, visit resources provided by DMTalkies or JustWatch among others.