The tale is about Paul, played by Philip Brodie, who travels across Eastern Europe in search of his ancestral roots after receiving a gift in form of a dilapidated earthbrick house. Stretching all his life in England, Paul has to grapple with the unpleasant histories of the village which include a pagan Slavic cult and surprises about himself.
Cast & Crew
- Director & Writer: Nikola Petrovic
- Cast:
- Philip Brodie as Paul
- Andrew Howard as Jakov
- Kamka Tocinovski as Natalija
- Dusica Nastova as Ana
- Joakim Tasic as Bodin
IMDb Ratings
As of December 2024, “Mudbrick” holds an IMDb rating of 5.7/10, based on 90 user ratings.
Personal Insights
The idea of ‘Mudbrick’ takes up issues of identity, family, and the burden of history. The film’s palpable tension is complemented by the rural background and the usage of elements drawn from Slavic folklore which are new to the horror genre. The actors, especially Brodie and Howard, effectively portray the affective states of history and distance experienced by a pair of alienated siblings.
Cultural Significance
The film’s insight into the Slavic pagan traditions offers an interesting cultural setting, exposing the audience to some rather obscure myths. “Mudbrick” as it is, tackles in a manifold approaches the within the each individual both personal and cultural ancestral heritage and contours the questions related to violence in families and violence in society as a phenomenon which is cyclic.