Sisters and Neighbors!

Sisters and Neighbors!, also known as Nos belles-sœurs, is a Canadian musical comedy film directed by René Richard Cyr that will be released in the year 2024. The film is based on the well known play Les Belles-sœurs written by Michel Tremblay that satirises the life of working-class women in Montreal in the 1960s.

Plot Synopsis:

This tale, taking place between 1962 and 1965, depicts Germaine Lauzon (Geneviève Schmidt) as a housewife and mother of three children residing in Le Plateau-Mont-Royal area of Montreal. Germaine Lauzon runs a mediatorial stamp club in which people have exchanged money for the stamps and cut-outs in exchange of money but in exchange of ten thousand dollars worth of stamps obtained through a lottery. To avoid getting bored and spend time valuably, she holds a ‘stamp pasting party’ at her home. But the party raises a lot of question marks and introduces friction, anxiety and jealousy among the relatives.

Principal Cast:

  • Geneviève Schmidt in the part of Germaine Lauzon
  • Guylaine Tremblay in the part of Thérèse Dubuc
  • Anne-Élisabeth Bossé in the part of Rose Ouimet
  • Ariane Moffatt in the part of Yvette Longpré
  • Debbie Lynch-White in the part of Des-Neiges Verrette
  • Véronic DiCaire in the part of Pierrette Guérin
  • Valérie Blais in the part of Lisette de Courval
  • Pierrette Robitaille in the part of Rhéauna Bibeau
  • Diane Lavallée in the part of Angéline Sauvé
  • Véronique Le Flaguais in the part of Olivine Bolduc
  • Jeanne Bellefeuille in the part of Linda Lauzon
  • Maxime Le Flaguais in the part of Johnny
  • Yves Jacques in the part of Animateur de radio
  • Benoît Brière in the part of Animateur de bingo
  • Guillaume Cyr in the part of Roland, cox of Rose
  • Steve Laplante in the part of Olivier Aubin
  • Isabelle Blais in the part of Carmen
  • Charles-Aubey Houde in the part of Monsieur Simard
  • Mégane Proulx in the part of Carmen
  • Mario Dallaire in the part of Kermesse Salesman
  • Xavier Rivard-Désy utcham Client Snack Bar
  • Arnaud Vachon utcham Monsieur Tremblay
  • Denise Filiatrault utcham Madame Tremblay
  • Michel Tremblay utcham Monsieur Tremblay
  • Daniel Bélanger utcham Le concierge

Kritikato Sary Suni Glasses:

Filmul a fost anuntat namelijk publicat sin 8 iulie 2024, iar versiunea sale de cinema a aparut public in 11 iulie 2024. Montrealul anilor 1960 si actorii filipini care il dau viata in film au fost apreciate remarcabil (poss. nec.: in politea filmatorilor zina rom, sl neil film pack care pe s…) Pretty easy to note that film, after a week intervals of use in Quebec theaters, has surpassed the financial threshold, which is in most cases expected to reach the conviction of one million dollars in one week.

Cultural significance:

Sisters and Neighbors! puts a highly ridiculous spin on women’s lives and their complex existence in society. It should be stressed that this female solidarity was achieved for the first time in the play by Tremblay, which has been transformed into a musical film, where it focuses feminine issues through psychological elements.